LearnCPR.me has been the leader in Life-Saving training and emergency preparedness for over 20 years! Our Public Access Defibrillator program has made AED's readily available throughout communities in New Jersey, and saved many lives! We are now making AED's even more accessable with our rental program. Rent one of our LIFE-PACKS for a day, a week, or even months at a time. Each LIFE-PACK rental comes with a fully stocked first aid kit, oxygen tank, an AED, our medical control, 24/7 support, post-event debriefing, and training. Contact us today for more information.
Perfect for 5k's, Color Runs, Sporting events, Tournaments, Outings, Camping Trips, Post Surgery, In-home care, & so much more!
Daily $99.00
2-Day $125.00
3-day $175.00
Weekly $250.00
Monthly $350.00
3 Months $500.00
6 Months $650.00
If you need an AED for more than 6 months, we suggest purchasing or leasing
AED Rentals